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键盘侠|SKIP预告:嘴哥要抢FMVP 库里上次断纪录后进了13个三分

时间:2022-06-14 16:04:39来源:www.qiuhuang.cc 编辑:球皇直播吧[我要评论]





[–]San Francisco WarriorsCasualrodfarva2 1526 points 3 hours ago

If you told me before the game Curry would go 0/9 from three and the Warriors would win I would have called you a fuckin crazy person


[–]HeatNumber333 3736 points 2 hours ago2

Imagine telling Celtics fans after Game 4 that they'd hold Curry to under 20 points and the Warriors would shoot 20% from 3.

It must hurt soooo bad losing a game that 99% of the time you'd think would be a guaranteed W. All cuz of

上一篇:韩旭:国内看你太高就不跟你抢了 但WNBA的一些国际球员很能跳
下一篇: 布朗:我们缺乏耐心和毅力 今晚得到一些好的进攻机会但未能命中