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键盘侠|KD面对键盘瑟瑟发抖 一哥因场边执教再获FMVP?

时间:2022-06-17 14:24:32来源:www.qiuhuang.cc 编辑:球皇直播吧[我要评论]

情绪到达极点!库里眼眶通红 在场上痛哭流涕!

[–]Warriorsdingdongfootballl 574 points 47 minutes ago

I will die for him


[–]CelticsDayMan-Ahah-ah 224 points 48 minutes ago

i’m okay with seeing him win, dude deserves it. All time great


[–]NuggetsMapleCurryMurray 539 points 37 minutes ago

Making us all non Boston fans emotional fr. So deserved


[–]CelticsGenuineMasshole 77 points 49 minutes ago

Easily my favorite non-Celtic player.

So much fun to watch. The NBA is a better place when he is playing.

I told my friends and family, this is the best finals matchup I could ask for. If we lose (which we did), Steph gets another ring which is awesome.




[–]NBAYergason 460 points 40 minutes ago

Curry pouring his heart out then Poole enters the view pumping his fists "yea boi imagine all the bitches I can get now"


[–]Vallerie_09 133 points 40 minutes ago

'Finally, Malika gonna be mine Chef"


上一篇:霍福德:休赛期我们有时间变得更强 对下赛季充满期待
下一篇: 杰伦-布朗:赛季初没人想到我们能走到这 离夺冠就差两场