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时间:2021-01-10 19:00:47来源:www.qiuhuang.cc 编辑:球皇直播吧[我要评论]

Golden State is currently shooting a mediocre 123/341 (36.1%) from deep, placing them at 19th in the league.

However, if we subtract Oubre’s shots (currently 6 for 45), that number jumps to 117/296 (39.5%), good for 4th in the league. It’s kind of insane that Golden State is basically one man’s shooting slump away from being a borderline elite shooting team.



The good news is that it’s almost impossible for Oubre, a career 32% 3pt shooter, to continue being this bad from 3, but so far he has left much to be desired offensively.



[–]Lakers Dextereddit 2678 指標 13小時前

Damn this actually a crazy stat OP you’re a good guy


[–]Warriors Mygaffer 596 指標 12小時前

Kelly Oubre has attempted the 2nd most 3's on the team this season.

Curry is of course #1, attempting just over 11 a game.



[–]Warriors 0hootsson 317 指標 11小時前

Because he gets a ton of wide open looks, which I’m fine with him taking. He won’t shoot sub 15% all season.


[–]Warriors nylee23 137 指標 10小時前

He does get some wide open looks, which I definitely want him to take, but he also takes a ton of bad 3s too. With his current slump, I’d like to see him look to try other options more often, like a drive and kick, or really just being more patient and waiting for some off ball action to free someone up.


[–]Warriors 0hootsson 15 指標 10小時前

Yeah he’s a ball stopper, no doubt about it


[–]and1GS 15 指標 9小時前

This is super important! I hate this narrative - Oubre is taking a lot of bad 3s. Even if it's lightly contested and you're slumping this bad you shouldn't be taking the shot. It's like the guy is allergic to ball movement.


[–]Pelicans zacree 64 指標 10小時前

Kuzma had a long stretch like that. He was nailing his open looks but then he'd also take some weird JR Smith type shit that he had no business attempting.


[–]Warriors spaldingmatters 348 指標 10小時前

He's also driving into the paint with 2-3 people there and settling for terrible contested shots.


[–][GSW] Chris Mullin cortesoft 186 指標 10小時前

I think his poor shooting is making him hesitate and second guess himself.... which makes him mess up everything else, too.


[–]rational_numbers 57 指標 9小時前

The good news is that his defense has been great and he’s remained engaged while on the floor. This is why I think he figures it out before too long.


[–]and1GS 37 指標 9小時前

His defense has been OK. I've watched all of our games and when engaged, he's fantastic. But he's only a mild positive on that end of the floor. He misses rotations, confuses himself on going under/over screens and weirdly Wiggins tends to guard the opponent's best player. I can recall a handful of times where he has switched with a big then immediately switches back out to the perimeter without communication, resulting in an easy bucket under the hoop.

If I were to sum it up, it seems like he hasn't done his homework at all. He doesnt know where to stand and somehow isnt aware of his role, teammate strengths or opponent tendencies.



[–][SAC] Justin Jackson Ps3FifaCfc95 841 指標 12小時前

Kelly Oubre is 2/39 from 3 against teams not named the Kings


[–]Kings boringexplanation 88 指標 10小時前

I'm just waiting for Oubre to hit a career high against us next game with 0.60 3P% while continuing to suck against every other team.



[–]Knicks iksnet 2453 指標 13小時前

Oubre helping Steph’s MVP narrative by being such a negative on the court, what a good guy


[–]ItsAllHadensFault 638 指標 9小時前

Warriors such a selfless team.


[–]Hi_MrJ 12 指標 7小時前

Steph's MVP Speech: "Oubre, you the real MVP"


[–]Warriors maethlin 256 指標 8小時前

Look at Oubre man


[–]Warriors teddy_tesla 172 指標 8小時前

So inspirational


[–]Virge23 57 指標 7小時前

Same way my dad was inspirational...


[–]Jazz musicnothing 1489 指標 13小時前

Oubre seemed decent on the Suns. What is going on? This is worse than Mike Conley’s start last season


[–]Super 8 magecombat54 23 指標 12小時前

a lotta what he brings is just a megaton of energy. and hes not great at anything in particular. just decent at a lotta things. he was getting pretty overrated cuz no one watches the suns lol

but yeah even then hes still waaaay underperforming lmao



[–]Warriors yunggweilo 17 指標 12小時前

Hes fuckin stupid bruh. Dont think Ive seen him take a single smart shot. Absolute negative BBIQ


[–]Warriors AndItsNotCloseNephew 1214 指標 13小時前

I think it's a combination of a mental slump and trying to do too much in a contract year


[–]Warriors 0hootsson 580 指標 11小時前

He’s not trying to do too much, he’s just missing jump shots. He’ll end up back above 30% by the end of the year.


[–][UTA] Dante Exum Iamnotabot4321 58 指標 11小時前

Before or after you win the championship?


[–]WiltGamblerlain 60 指標 10小時前

Shoot 5% until the finals when he has the greatest shooting series of all time, shooting 95% on 15 attempts a game and deprive Steph another finals MVP


[–]Warriors SarcasmExpert 32 指標 10小時前

As long as we are champions again, I'd sign that. And I guess Curry would too.


[–]Warriors iGetBuckets3 114 指標 12小時前

I think he’s inside his own head at this point. He knows he has started off poorly and now he’s trying to force it. With that being said, its been 9 games. He’s not gonna shoot this poorly all season.


[–]millllosh 49 指標 12小時前

+the suns played extremely well in the bubble without him. That’s gotta feel bad


[–]WiltGamblerlain 31 指標 10小時前

And the Warriors went on a 36-4 run with him on the bench where he had the worst +/-. That's gotta affect his confidence somewhat


[–]knoxindy20 35 指標 12小時前

I just want him to pass the ball, .6 assists per game, that’s absurd. As soon as he gets the ball, he looks at the basket and it’s over.



[–]Warriors Balls_of_Adamanthium 67 指標 13小時前

And it might be hard to believe, but that’s not even the worst part of his game. His bball IQ is


[–]Key-Location-7834 219 指標 11小時前

Kelly Oubre is that new hire that asks everyone for help because they don’t know anything.

Then after 3 months, you learn they’re making double your salary.



[–]Trail Blazers owiseone23 28 指標 7小時前

Even worse, he's the guy that doesn't know anything but thinks he knows everything so he doesn't ask anyone for help and just messes everything up.


[–]Nuggets Lookatcurry_man 88 指標 13小時前

Warriors owner probably salty he paid $85 mil for this dude lol


[–][GSW] Kent Bazemore wookyoftheyear 26 指標 12小時前

We have some high percentage, low volume shooters in Mulder and Damion Lee. Wanamaker and Wiggins have been okay I think, and Steph is Steph. So it's not super surprising that Oubre would be a huge minus to the percentages.


[–]Warriors dvasquez93[S] 23 指標 12小時前

Wiggins has somehow been amazing from deep, hitting 40% of his threes.


[–]San Francisco Warriors fuvkutonpa 6 指標 10小時前

this is why im a little worried he'll fall off bc 40% doesnt sound sustainable for him. Thats why I like how wiggins has improved in other areas like drawing fouls and kick out passes.


[–]Warriors loquacious706 74 指標 11小時前

Now that Wiggins found his groove, Draymond needs to focus on bullying Oubre into shape.



[–]Bulls Ld511 613 指標 13小時前

They would be so good if klay didn't get injured. Such a shame we won't see him for 2 years


[–]Warriors AndItsNotCloseNephew 362 指標 13小時前

We have Klay coming back, plus the t-wolves pick this year, plus our own pick, plus wiseman who will only get better. In 2 years we will have a couple young stars with a floor spaced by the two greatest shooters ever.

Right now kinda sucks, but our future is bright!



[–]Warriors AlexBayArea 77 指標 10小時前

Right now sucks? I am enjoying the fuck out of right now.


[–]w00tang_ 17 指標 7小時前

Agreed. Last year sucked, but this year watching curry has been a pleasure.


[–]Warriors Johnpecan 4 指標 8小時前

Right now doesn't suck. We have maybe-still-prime-steph. Dray is showing life and Paschall is looking amazing. There's literally no game too far for steph. Yea oubre is slumping but he's still a great defender and nearly everyone else is shooting well.



[–]Warriors Youngandidiotic 11 指標 11小時前

Paschal is looking great


[–]Pelicans zacree 9 指標 10小時前

Wiseman is going to be a star. Psyched for you fucks.


[–]Lakers WeWon17GoingOn18 124 指標 13小時前

T Wolves pick is a maybe. Good chance it lands top 3 if things playout the way they've been going.


[–]Warriors AndItsNotCloseNephew 188 指標 13小時前

Even if T-Wolves finish dead last, the odds of them getting a top 3 pick are still only 42% with how the lottery works now. If they start doing better, that percentage goes down



