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时间:2021-04-05 21:37:49来源:www.qiuhuang.cc 编辑:球皇直播吧[我要评论]

Brooklyn Nets have a 8-9 record without James Harden on the court, with Harden they are 26-7


Without Harden the Nets have more losses in 17 games than with Harden in 33 games.

In my opinion Harden is without a doubt the most important player for the Nets, even more important than KD. The difference when Harden is on the court is incredible.


[–]totallyrealy 6 指標 11小時前

Harden is like the glue for this team, without him they’d be like papers flying all over the place


[–]Raptorsnervousaboutschool17 21 指標 10小時前

they'd be clippers east. you need a playmaker to be real


[–]Netskingdelz 18 指標 10小時前

Clippers east, this is funny

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